jeudi 13 novembre 2014

IAEA Iran reduced stockpile of uranium

International Atomic Energy Agency lowered its previous estimate of the size of Iran's stockpile of uranium, a figure Ttrqubh stakeholders before the expiry of a deadline this month to settle the dispute between Tehran and the six powers on its nuclear program.
Diplomats said Thursday that the International Atomic Energy Agency is currently estimated size of its holdings of Iran's low-enriched uranium gas at about 8290 kilograms, less than a hundred kilogram figure which guaranteed its confidential report issued last week.
There was no explanation for the error in the initial number or extent of the importance of this discrepancy in numbers as the reason there has been no direct comment from the IAEA on this patch.
Iran's stockpile of uranium is purified to a fissile density of five percent a sensitive issue, since any additional uranium him may provide the explosive core of a nuclear weapon.
Iran asserts that it does not aim to develop nuclear bombs, and this represents a very important issue before the deadline of November 24 to reach Iran and the six major powers to a comprehensive diplomatic agreement to resolve the crisis.
Among the ideas that are being discussed in the negotiations that Tehran is shipped as part of enriched uranium to Russia, and in the report issued last Friday on Iran's nuclear program, the agency said that the stock has increased since its previous report last September to 625 kilograms of 8.4 tons.
According to information seen by Reuters, the agency corrected numbers of Member States in the agency to become an increase of 525 kg, and the total number 8290 kg.
The Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium, one of the factors that may determine the period that you need in any attempt to build a nuclear weapon, it is expected that Iran meet and six countries - the United States, China, Britain, Russia, France and Germany - in Vienna on November 18 in an attempt to reach a long-term agreement dissipates fears of the possibility of the development of the nuclear crisis to a new war in the Middle East.

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