jeudi 13 novembre 2014

Girl almost losing her life in the famous street beetles

And showed video footage, taken by a camera, "Abby Road" famous in the British capital London, how a girl suddenly appeared in crossing the street, without a damn car was passing a speeding street.
At one point, the car struck the girl and brought, aimed them several meters.
The car stopped for a moment, it seems that the driver after checking the safety of the girl continued on his way, while passers-by rushed to the girl to get it to stand up, but not overwhelmed the it.
The incident occurred in the street is characterized by a pedestrian corridor is one of the sights of London, meant for foreign tourists, especially the fan brigade "The Beatles", which was founded in 1960, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon and Ringostar

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ما هو السر وراء ترشيح هذه الماليزية لملكة جمال الكون؟

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