jeudi 13 novembre 2014

A meeting between the king of Jordan, Kerry and Netanyahu in Amman tonight

Al Arabiya correspondent reported that the King of Jordan, Abdullah II will meet with US Secretary of State John Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Amman tonight.
The Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, met Thursday, US Secretary of State, John Kerry, who is visiting the Kingdom within a regional tour, during which they discussed the current developments in the Middle East and efforts to achieve peace, regional and international efforts related to combating terrorism.
King stressed during the meeting the importance of the role of the United States in creating the appropriate conditions for the re-launch peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, based on the two-state solution, and the Arab Peace Initiative, and to achieve a comprehensive and just solution to the Palestinian issue, which still form the core of the conflict in the region.
He explained that Jordan continuous coordination and consultation with various related parties in his efforts to revive the peace negotiations that address all final status issues, which requires orientation Israelis actually real hurt in this direction, is to stop the procedures unilateralism and aggression repeated on holy sites in Jerusalem, especially those aimed at Temple Mount and Al-Aqsa Mosque, which completely rejects the Jordan Hashemite tutelage from these sanctuaries.
King Abdullah II stressed that there is no alternative for the establishment of an independent and viable on the fourth of June 1967 lines with its capital in East Jerusalem, a Palestinian state, and only as a way optimized towards achieving the desired peace.
In turn, Kerry put King in the image of the United States efforts and moves related to the achievement of peace in the region, in addition to efforts within the international coalition to fight the extremist terrorist organizations.
Kerry and expressed appreciation for the important role of Jordan in support of efforts to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East, and its actors in addressing the terrorist ideology of extremism and trapping.
Jordan said he was determined to continue in the face of Israeli violations whenever I got.
The Foreign Minister of Jordan, Nasser Judeh, that all diplomatic and legal options available to protect the Temple Mount, in application of the historical role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Jerusalem, according to the Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty....

Bloody day in Egypt .. 5 security men killed in Sinai metro bomb

According to the agency Osusxiaoytd Press US killing of five Egyptian security men in two attacks in northern Sinai.
In detail, two Egyptian police officers, and three soldiers were shot dead on Thursday in two attacks in northern Sinai, according to security officials at a time when Egyptian security forces targeted attacks launched by jihadists announced.
In the first attack, took out two unidentified policemen of their car before being killed dead, and in the second attack, three Egyptian soldiers were killed in the hands of gunmen took them out of the taxi.
This is happening at a time when conventional bomb exploded in Cairo Metro, and the number of people living with the bombing of Cairo Metro to 16 wounded, according to medical sources reported that Egyptian channel "Arab".
The primary outcome talked about injuring seven people in a makeshift bomb blast inside one of the Cairo Metro station wagons "papillary olive", has been transferred to nearby hospitals for treatment.
Civil protection forces also went to inspect the place and search for other explosive devices.
A source Egyptian official metro tunnels in comments to local newspapers, the metro traffic returned to normal, the train was pulled by a bomb which exploded workshops for Metro to fix it.

Girl almost losing her life in the famous street beetles

And showed video footage, taken by a camera, "Abby Road" famous in the British capital London, how a girl suddenly appeared in crossing the street, without a damn car was passing a speeding street.
At one point, the car struck the girl and brought, aimed them several meters.
The car stopped for a moment, it seems that the driver after checking the safety of the girl continued on his way, while passers-by rushed to the girl to get it to stand up, but not overwhelmed the it.
The incident occurred in the street is characterized by a pedestrian corridor is one of the sights of London, meant for foreign tourists, especially the fan brigade "The Beatles", which was founded in 1960, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon and Ringostar

Woman save herself from the spread of breast cancer

I rushed a woman in her thirties to a health center for early detection of breast cancer, and after that complained in the presence of a tumor in her body.
And rescued the woman called Sarah herself from the spread of cancer in her body, after following the instructions and guidelines for early screening for breast cancer, where remedied so the spread of malignant in the body of the disease, according to what was confirmed by the doctor who has unearthing through breast screening device, while those of women do not Evhsn themselves However, when they feel symptoms of the disease.
According to official statistics, breast cancer is the most prevalent in Saudi Arabia, particularly among women, as it accounted for only 13%, however this increase, however, women are still afraid to see a doctor to make sure of their safety.
Physicians are advised to follow a few tips that can avoid women getting breast cancer, including "changing the daily life style and fit on a package of health food and activity, and the Breast Care and early detection."
Saudi Arabia, breast cancer, save, woman, early screening, prevalence, malignant disease, prevention, treatment

New "Google" .. "nano" particles for the diagnosis of cancers

Revealed "Google" group for a new research project that is using "nano" particles to diagnose serious diseases such as cancer, according to scientists can make the diagnosis after the arrival of "nano" particles into the bloodstream and send signals through special sensors.
And operate this technology through the ingestion of particles "nano" in the form of tablets up to the blood and be fitted with sensors send signals to a device in the form of bracelet worn by the patient's wristband and then "nano" particles begin a journey to search for particular types of tumor cells to fuse with what could be a doctor competent diagnosis of disease or tumor type after recording the "nano" particles readings by light and radio waves.
It is characterized by innovation as an early warning system for cancer, which is the key to treatment as president of this technique to monitor the working of enzymes released by platelets, which crack and cause a heart attack or stroke.
He also characterized by their ability to monitor very rare cells, such as mobile tumor cells, as well as the ability to assess the chemical changes of the elements present in the blood.
Despite the importance of "nano" particles technology, the launch of a search tool in the human body as scientists is not easy to describe, even "Google" the supervisor of this research warned that the diagnosis may increase anxiety and lead to treatment is necessary sometimes, so there must be a deep analysis precision and care by the use of this type of control of blood on a large scale.
Health, Nano, Google, cancer, early detection

Determine eye diseases by watching TV

A new study at City University in London that he can see diseases that affect the eye than just control while watching TV.
The researchers managed according to the publication and the following dot com medical site British, to determine the incidence of eye diseases blue like water, for example, by drawing traffic maps the patient's eye during the follow-up TV, and usually takes detect glaucoma long time and during the complications that can lead to a gradual loss occurs the gaze and the way that can not be repaired.
The researchers watched - during the study - the movement of the eyes of the participants during the follow-up TV and video clips on your PC and used the movement of their eyes in the production of detailed maps useful in glaucoma diagnosis, as the study's leaders David Crabbe and Nicholas Smith and Huangng Zhou says professors of ophthalmology in the fight against blindness in the United Kingdom Foundation .

It is noteworthy that the study is still in its initial stages, but give good results and indicators on the reliability of this method in the diagnosis and early detection of the disease, and then will be applied to other diseases.
Known that blue water is a high intraocular pressure and glaucoma, known as infects more than 65 million people around the world, and in many cases, loss of vision gradually happen as a result of intraocular pressure on the optic nerve.
Conjunctivitis, eye, treatment, detection, the optic nerve, Television

pyramid the necessary item for horror movies

Form pyramids rich material for makers of horror cinema in the world, and most present material in a number of films, which are trying to reveal the secrets and the ambiguity of those majestic edifices built by the ancient Egyptians, and formed features and civilization is still present.
In the latest products of American cinema, the film "Al-Ahram" The Pyramid comes, directed by Gregory Ensor, relying on clever script was written by Daniel Mersan collaboration with Nick Simon, about the story of a group of researchers who enter to the bottom of one of the pyramids, if their inside a maze.
Begins the film journey, in the definition of the first Balbdayat stages discoveries own pyramids, by the researcher and explorers, which dates back to several centuries earlier, and up to 2014, when the satellite indicate the presence of the missing pyramid, in the Egyptian desert, then begins an adventure that group of researchers , who go away, in their discoveries, and walk inside the corridors, under the pyramid lost, only to discover the amount of secrets buried under the pyramid, and subjected to the siege of stalking.
Start the first scenes of the film over the surface of the earth where the sun and lighting, etc. The Group enters inside the pyramid, and find their way into the underground, then the prevailing darkness, and finds viewers before those figures, themselves in trouble viewing and the pursuit of what is going on, and the sounds of screaming and mummy which moves in secret , to make the viewer glued wheeled, in a cinematic adventure of production studios, "twentieth Century Fox" starring Ashley Hnchao, and Dennis Ohira, and James Beckley.
It also depends on the director, "Al-Ahram" cinematic language able to attract the viewer, where a combination of history and horror, in reading and intelligent experience, require a lot of scenes decoding of symbols.
The film is based on the soundtrack extreme intelligence and cohesion with the event and place, penned by Iranian musician who lives in America, NEMA Fajara, who wrote many of the film music business.
It remains to say that the film "Al-Ahram" opens the door again to emphasize that the pyramids remain rich material for the filmmakers, especially horror movies.
Known filmmaker Gregory Ensor, born in France, collaborated with his friend, screenwriter, Alexander Aegean, in several films, including: "Cobra" and "Space Pirate" and "Mirrors" and "hell his eyes."
American cinema, Al-Ahram, movies, horror, productions, scenes

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